Clear Lens Coaching

What if the most creative thing you could do is live
from the innermost center that grounds, inspires and sustains you?

Your impulse for change is a potent catalyst that can reshape your life.
Are you ready to listen to that voice and meet this new beginning?

My monikers include Conversation Enthusiast, Creativity Instigator and Artist.

I serve couples and individuals who are ripe for transformational change, as well as folks who are eager to explore and/or jumpstart their creative lives.

My clients and I collaborate with the innate wisdom that drives the impulse toward change. We traverse the landscape of their desires and dilemma. Along the way, they meet the Artist of Possibility residing within who bears their name.

Used consciously, the energy of desire can reshape your life and animate your vision.

To clear the way for this unfolding journey, we explore what has distorted the lens through which self, others, and world are perceived. Unresolved hurt or pain creates dilemmas which have complex roots in what was (or is) overwhelming. It’s not uncommon to use substances, relationships, and activities as a means to cope and feel better.

What I know about this doesn’t come from books. I’ve experienced relational impasses, disconnection, stymied creativity, and unfulfilled desires. I tried to distance myself from anxieties, anger, fear, and sadness. But wonder of wonders…

Dilemmas can be used as a catalysts to transform your view and reshape your life.

Unhealed pain announces itself for one reason only: to be fully seen, digested, and integrated so it can become useable energy. In sum, healed. Your dilemma is a unique, creative imperative. Why?

Because no dilemma can be resolved from the mindset of its original conception. A new way, a new beginning must be found. This I know is true.

I also know that we are relational beings who’re made for connection. So you, like my clients may want to:

Recognize and embody your innate strengths and gifts.

*  Shift from compliance and perfectionism to self-expression and creative spontaneity.

Represent yourself authencially in relationship rather than present the self you’re expected to be.

*  Take risks in front of others that deepen emotional connection and intimacy.

*  Receive inspiration and guidance from dreams and creativity practices.

*  Prioritize pleasure without apology, and un-shame the body and its inherent eroticism.

With compassionate support, you can engage your deepest questions and possibilities. It’s powerful to name, affirm, and orient toward your desires. And it’s a relief to relate from genuine desire and warmth, rather than wearisome anxiety and defensiveness

I’m an attuned field guide with a highly imaginative approach. My expertise is drawn from decades-long forays in the realms of creative imagination, family systems, trauma and post-trauma integration, polyvagal theory, and other healing modalities. That qualifies me to say this with confidence:

You are literally made to evolve and follow the thread of your heart desires and creative impulses.

I bow to the desire that brings you here, and to the new beginning forming within you. Does this resonate? Contact me!  I’d love to hear from you.

Krayna Castelbaum, Clear Lens Coaching

Krayna Castelbaum, Creativity Instigator

And suddenly you know:

It’s time to start something new

and trust the magic

of beginnings.

Meister Eckhart

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Krayna helped illuminate the joy of living a life focused on presence and open-heartedness rather than external circumstance and accomplishment alone. I now live with more love and less fear.
– Jonathan Williams

Krayna was a gift from the heavens!  My brother and I needed help to untangle a challenging childhood. We were raw, confused and hurting. We needed a witness to help us see the bigger picture. She was masterful. We left that single healing session with deep understanding and peace. I worked with Krayna after that for other reasons. Every session was unique and unfolded in ways I could never have imagined. Krayna asked great questions, listened attentively, and guided me to discover parts of myself I was ready to find.  I am forever grateful for the healing and growth that I gained during my time with Krayna.
– Jesse A.

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Our work with Krayna gave us new ways to relate to each other and examine issues rather than blame each other. We took responsibility for ourselves. Instead of constantly blowing up at each other, we learned to check in with ourselves, pause, calm down, and re-engage once the fight/flight or freeze responses had passed.

Yelling was replaced with silence and space, and then later, with conversation and being heard.  We learned to listen to other’s opinion and ask questions from a place of curiosity rather than judgement. We found the goodness in our relationship, and we voice our appreciation for each other often. This was incredibly profound.

Investing time, money, and energy into our marriage was a huge step in the right direction. To intentionally ask for help, be open to change, and have a time and space dedicated to meaningful conversation was saved our marriage. We are happy to refer others to Krayna!

– Lauren and John C.

I refer people to Krayna all the time.  She helped me think about what I say, versus just saying it.  She helped me orient myself to the here-and-now.  When I think it’s all about me or I take things personally, I remember there are so many reasons why people do what they do or think what they think. When I’d go down a rabbit hole and land in the dark, Krayna helped me find my way back to myself. I accept and soothe myself; I don’t get activated as fast or as frequently as I used to. That’s what the work gave me. Krayna is our household name.

– Lois R.

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